Post ID: 2871
ابركررووبرنبنصنياتي فتش … قتلني هههه #joke #funny #arab #style #fashion #blog #kuwait
ابركررووبرنبنصنياتي فتش … قتلني هههه #joke #funny #arab #style #fashion #blog #kuwait
Designer Profile : Alexander McQueen Alexander McQueen is a brand that was founded in 2007 by the fashion designer Lee McQueen, yes his name wasn’t actually Alexander McQueen. in his early career he has been the Chief designer for Givenchy which wasn’t as successful as everyone …
السؤال الثاني!!!
#مسابقة #ساش #الكويت ، يلا همتكم
The second question, start a #riot !
This competition is sponsored by
هذه المسابقة برعاية
محلات ايكونيك
لتس بوبكورن
مجموعة لاندمارك
صباح الخير!! بما ان اليوم في مسيرات و وايد منكم راح يقعد بالبيت.. راح انزل السؤال الثاني بعد شوي.. انتظرونا ! Wait for the second question in a bit!! #sashdesignsGA #sashdesignsGA #sashdesignsGA #SASHDESIGNS #kuwait #مسابقة #الكويت . . This competition is sponsored by هذه المسابقة …
ا#الكويت دولة احتضنت العديد من الشخصيات المهمه و راعت الجميع و خيرها على كل شخص يعيش على ارضها واضح.. كلامي مهما قلت منه قليل بحقها… دار السلام هي الكويت، لك السلام و التحيه و وقفه احترام على ما قدمتيه و ما ستقدمينه لنا و للاجيال …
Super Duper Hats AW15 Pitti Preview
Not many accessories have experienced such a strong comeback into the menswear scene as the hat. This timeless symbol of male elegance, had somewhat fallen into oblivion apart from style conscious individuals or older gentleman who had been sporting them for ever. In recent years however, hats became once again a mandatory staple in men’s wardrobes, with younger generations embracing its unparalleled flair through classic and tweaked versions.
On this note, Super Duper has been delivering some of the freshest alternatives out there…based in Florence, the brand creates handmade luxury hats from exquisite materials, providing exclusive designs that are a welcome breath of fresh air among more traditional offerings.
عبّر عن نفسك مع نظارات ڤجن اكسبرس : أعلنت ڤجن اكسبرس، العلامة التجارية الرائدة عالميًا في مجال البصريات والعناية بالعيون، عن إطلاق الحدث النصف السنوي الثاني تحت شعار “Express Yourself”، من أجل تشجيع الزبائن على التعبير عن أنفسهم وعن أسلوبهم وحتى مظهرهم بزوجٍ من النظارات الرائعة.فالنظارات …
Vision Express has kicked off its second annual ‘Express Yourself’ event, which aims to get customers to express themselves, their lifestyle and outlook with a pair of statement-making sunglasses.
A picture is worth a thousand words, and customers at Vision Express are encouraged to strike a pose and take a picture of themselves wearing their choice of the season’s trendsetting sunglasses.
Köşebaşı media appreciation night thanks to Azadea kuwait, we have been invited to media appreciation night at Köşebaşı Al Jabriya I arrived a little bit early, to be honest the hospitality was amazing, and the reception from the door was really nice which is usually I …